Thursday, April 4, 2013


In the past few months, I have read a few parenting books and heard different speakers talk about parenting. The one thing that has stuck out to me the most is intentionally noticing our kids. Letting them know that we as their parents notice them and they are an important human being. It's such a simple idea, but can be life changing. What person doesn't want to be noticed and appreciated?

So at night, when we pray together, I have really tried to recognize and thank God for something Chloe has done well that day, whether it's her being more obedient, trying to be patient, thoughtful, etc. Tonight, I decided to randomly tell her ten things that I like about her. And random it is.

What I Notice About Chloe:
1. You're beautiful
2. You're smart
3. I love you
4. Your feet stink
5. You're funny
6. Sometimes your breath stinks
7. You were really good at obeying today
8. You're a nice friend to other kids
9. You're polite and have good manners
10. You tell funny jokes

When I was done, Chloe was beaming and giggly, as I expected. But, what I didn't expect was for her to turn around and say ten things she notices about me, her mom. I thought they were too precious not to share.

What Chloe Notices About Me:
1. You braid hair
2. You put kids shows on
3. You are good at drying my hair
4. You give me water
5. You sing me songs
6. You are a good cooker
7. You buy me Lucky Charms
8. You are not going to buy any more Lucky Charms (because she only eats the marshmallows)
9. You give good kisses
10. You let me sleep in your bed

These ten things are pretty random, but to a 3 year old, this is her world. It makes my heart full because she knows if she needs something, as her mother, I'm going to provide it for her. And, obviously number 8 shows that I mean business if she's going to pick through her cereal and only eat the marshmallows.