Monday, November 28, 2011

New Vision

Notice Chloe's new glitter hipster glasses?

I got her glasses her at puglypixel.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tis the Season...

The Christmas Season has officially arrived here at the Huffman house. A few decorations have come out, Christmas movies and music has been playing and the eggnog has been poured.

But you know the season has really started when Chloe starts singing "Jingle Bells" everywhere. It's so much fun to watch a toddler experience the magic of this Christmas season.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Being thankful feels like a trend right now. Because of Thanksgiving everyone is posting things they are thankful for on facebook and it annoys me a bit. And while that's good to recognize things and people we are thankful for, because so many people are doing it, I tend to push it away.

 But, I have been feeling thankful for so many things in my life and have felt the urge to compile all together. So, I will do it, I will hop on the bandwagon. So, without further ado...

No. 1: This man.

Ok, I realize he looks a little mean, but don't let that beard fool ya. He's a pretty nice guy, and he puts up with me. I'm thankful that my husband is a man of God. Cory is always trying to be the best husband and father he can be. He loves God, me and Chloe with all his heart. Cory is my best friend, plus he works hard for the money which allows me to be thankful for No. 4 as well. And he can be times.

No. 2: Chloe Monster.

Chloe has changed my life forever. I love her dearly. As we struggle to try for another baby (more on that in another post) I realize that Chloe's life is a true miracle and gift from God. Even when she gets into my make-up, art supplies, nail polish and everything else that isn't hers, I still love the little monster and never want to take her for granted.

No. 3: Coffee
I doubt this need further explanation, but in case you do. I LOVE coffee, I LOVE good coffee. I can drink it all the time. Some people may even call me a coffee snob, and I say, "yep I am".  After moving to Colorado from Oregon I can to the harsh realization that coffee IS NOT the same as it is in the great Pacific Northwest. People here settle for crap, like Dunkin' Donuts. Can you feel my passion?

All that to say, I am thankful for great coffee and slightly less thankful for crappy coffee, but still thankful. And, Chloe is following in my footsteps. She loves her americanos too.
No. 4: Being a stay at home mom.
Having Cory be my sugar daddy has allowed me to be a stay at home mom. I love it. I knew before Chloe was born that I would love it. Being a stay at home mom has it's own frustrations and sacrifices, but even with that it's what is right for us as a family.

No. 5: Family

After moving to Colorado almost a year ago, I miss our family so much. I wish Chloe could see all her grandmas, grandpas and aunties more often. I miss being able to spend holidays, birthdays and just everyday life together. Both Cory and my family is who we can be real with, accepted and loved.

No. 6: Friends.
I'm thankful for all our friends, especially the ones in Oregon who know me and love me for who I am. I am thankful for the friends that Cory and I have shared so much of our life with and who let us be apart of their families. I'm so sad that we have to watch our kids grow up from so far away.
No. 7: Friends in Colorado.
God has blessed me with some great friends who are the real deal. I am thankful that after living in Colorado for two days, a friend grabbed me from piles of boxes and took me out to meet other moms who have now become friends. I'm thankful for friends in Colorado that we can grow and share our lives together in way that is real. This is something I thought would take years to find, but took less than one.

No. 8: God's provision, grace and love.

God had provided in numerous ways in our marriage and especially in the last year. He has provided us with an apartment that is pretty dang nice, a car that runs (but who knows for how long), we have food that nutritious and some that isn't (Ben and Jerry's), and God is provided in so many more ways, some that we may never know about. I am also thankful for His continual grace and love in our lives. Without it, who knows where or who I would be.

I never intended for this to be so long, but it is. And, I guess I change my mind on publicizing our thankfulness. It is good and I'm thankful that I did it. Get it? Thankful for being thankful! Ok enough.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I always sing Skidamarink to Chloe. I'm glad she has caught on and finally sang for the camera. If you watch all the way through, you'll be one of the lucky people that get to hear me sing. I don't just let my wonderful voice be heard by anyone.

When I hear this song, I always think of my sister, Beth and I, and how we would watch the Wee Sing videos together. Here is a sample.

 Ahh, memories or the '80s and early '90s.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Silly Slime

A while ago I learned a big lesson:

I made silly slime for Chloe. It was an easy project that was fun, fast and free. A triple "F".

What in the world could go wrong?

But then "it" happened.  While playing, the slime made its way onto Chloe's head. Note: I was probably on Pinterest or Facebook (darn you social media!). I remember seeing her do it and thinking nothing was wrong with it, but maybe it would be a little messy, then a minute later I thought, "what the crap, that stuff is going to take forever to get out."

She is all smiles at this point because she thought it was funny. It was first.

I was right. That silly slime was no longer something fun. It was a pain in the butt. I spent at least an hour with a comb, a crying Chloe and lots of shampoo, trying to get it out.

I also have dried silly slime stuck to the baseboards behind the toilet. I haven't taken the time to scrub that up. I will probably get to it when we move out.

Lesson: Put the silly slime out of Chloe's reach, or just pay more attention.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Last Days

We are coming up on our last days of being in Oregon and have been here for almost a month. Cah-ray-zee! I have loved all the time we have spent with friends and family, and there have been lots of late nights, yummy northwest coffee, laughing and just sharing life. It's hard to say good-bye, but I can't wait to come home to Colorado, see our Colorado friends and get Chloe on a regular sleep schedule.

All In

Since moving to the Denver area. I have had a few opportunities to do some freelance work with YFC. I thought this would be a good place to share some of my work.

This was the cover for Campus Life's High School Club curriculum. The theme is "Campus Life All In".

I love the theme. It's a good reminder for myself to live my life all in for God, to take advantage of every moment. As a stay-at-home mom, it's easy to slip into a mentality that life will present the same opportunities tomorrow as today. But, that's not true. So today, I will live all in.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Garden of the Gods

A few weeks ago Cory and I decided to take a day trip to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, about 45 minutes south of Parker. It was a great chance to be intentional about spending quality family time. But first, we had to get our priorities straight and make a stop at Rudy's, for some a-ma-zing barbeque! Anytime we are in the area we HAVE to stop. It delicious. Plus, we want to make sure Chloe gets to experience all things meat too! (btw, Cory will be so proud that I just typed that last sentence.) mouth is watering just looking at this brisket (also another sentence I typed that Cory will be proud).

After Rudy's, we headed to Garden of the Gods, just a mile or two down the road.  Garden of the Gods is a state park with giant red rock formations. Being a girl who hasn't been off the west coast of the U.S., I was in awe. The size and color is amazing. I've got to get out more!

Obviously, this is super-dang adorable of Chloe. You may or may not see this on a Christmas card, I'm still deciding.

1. Chloe and mama (I am working on jumping in on more pictures)
2. Red Rocks
3. Family picture (we need more of these)
4. Cory looking all Colorado GQesque
5. Chloe "mountian climbing"
6. Knocked out  on the trip home
My favorite part of the trip? It was seeing Chloe run around and be excited about everything. I really enjoy the times we get to leave the house and explore Colorado as a family. Can't wait until our next adventure!

Friday, September 30, 2011

This Moment

 A Friday ritual inspired by Soulemama and others. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We're heading to Oregon in three weeks. I'm super excited to experience Oregon weather, go to the coast, see friends and family. Also, I'm excited for the slight chance that my sister Beth will have her baby early and I can meet my niece! We fly home just a little more than week before her due date. By the way, my sister Beth is pregnant if you didn't know that already.

These pictures are from June when Chloe and I were visiting Beth in Portland.

Beth and Cesar, parents to be.

Beth and Chloe at the fountain in Portland.

I love this photo.

...and this one. Chloe was a lot chubbier back in June. Boy, I miss the arms!

Looking at these photos makes me miss little parts of summer. But not the heat. I love the crisp fall weather. Unfortunately, the weather here in Colorado isn't very crisp. It's been in the 80's all week and today it's supposed to be 88 for the high. What? Is this for reals? Enjoy your fall while I try to not melt. I know, I'm being a baby.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Body "Pojet"

Chloe loves doing "pojets" or as we would say, projects. What can I say, she's like her mama. Plus, doing little projects is a good time to not be on the computer or watching tv.

One of our projects was outlining her body and coloring it in. I remember doing this in school and all the time with my sisters using sidewalk chalk while playing outside. Doesn't every kid do this at some point?

Oops, her body looks a little wonky and yes, it may have been naked time. Or as Chloe likes to say, "gankin time!"

Do you see her nail polish?

All done!

Chloe is very proud of her body project. Any time someone comes over she shows it off. It's hard to miss, since it's hanging on the wall as you enter the apartment. She has also kissed herself. So funny! And, do you also notice the green lip gloss?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Geneva - Part 2

Two weeks ago I posted about YFCamp Geneva, but I didn't share all the pictures of Chloe! Hello! Here are just a few in comparison to the amount I took.

Cory and Chloe for Western Night. Every time there is a Western Night, I think Cory mistakes it for Redneck Night.

Chloe and her goggles. She is obsessed with wearing goggles.

There was a splash park in the pool area at the camp. We went everyday, Chloe loved it.

This was taken with my phone. This is the view of Lake Michigan from the shore at camp. So beautiful!

Running around camp, loving the freedom.

Spinning with mama.

Chloe loved tether ball. She played with it almost every night.

I love these dirty feet, so cute.

Being at camp means eating candy at all times of the day and being dirty.

Like I said, that was just a "few" pictures of Chloe at camp. Chloe has been to camp every summer of her life. I wonder where we will go next year. I can't wait for summer, except for the whole heat thing.

Friday, September 16, 2011

This Moment

I know the rules say no words, but this moment was so sweet. Chloe told me she was going to work like daddy. So she grabbed her moose pen, the one Cory got for her on one of his trips, and she started writing. She sat there for about 20 minutes, just doodling, only stopping for the occasional water chug.


A Friday ritual inspired by Soulemama and others. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Little Project: Face Wash Holder

Our face wash lately has been a facial bar, we may have or haven't of got from a hotel. I hate letting the bar sit on the shower ledge, wasting away as the water hits it. So, I saw a little sewing project that I thought was perfect for us.

I started out with one of Chloe's baby wash clothes. From that I basically sewed a pocket.

From there I added a scrap piece of ribbon and wha-la! Now our face wash won't be wasted which equals saving money.