Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Garden of the Gods

Back in April, Cory's mom and sister visited us. We visited a bunch of places, one of them being Colorado Springs and Garden of the Gods, with a short visit to the nearby Manitou Springs.

After Garden of the Gods, we decided to fill up our little tummies with some...wait for it... Rudy's BBQ! Is anyone shocked? Whenever we go to Colorado Springs, we have the idea that we may try some place new and just end up at Rudy's. The meat is so dang good! How could we not stop and eat there?

Then we headed to Manitou Springs. It's a little town with a cute downtown area. They had a bunch of little shops and a penny arcade, which Chloe loved the most.

For some strange reason, I am either really good at getting pictures of what we do or I forget all together. There's no in between. So this is the only picture that I got in Manitou Springs, Chloe riding the helicopter. She loved it.

In Colorado, there are so many wildfires, including in the Colorado Springs area. As of Sunday, Manitou Springs was evacuated. It's sad that so many people are displaced from their homes and possibly losing their homes to the fires. If you think about it, you can pray for rain, the people fighting the fires and all the people who have been evacuated.

Monday, June 25, 2012

30 Before 30

I made it! My 30 before 30 list. I've heard of a lot of other people/bloggers doing this and I've always loved the idea. The list is compiled of different parts of my life that I want to do or improve upon. It's something to keep me motivated and I will always have something to look forward to.

So, I made the list awhile ago and have been working on a few of them already. I'm so proud of myself for actually doing this. The normal me would think it's a great idea and want to do it, but never actually do it. 

My birthday is the middle of March, so I have about 9 months to complete this. That's more than 3 things a month. As you can tell, I'm good at math! WOW, I better get going. I'll keep you updated as I go.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

I know, I know. It's late, but better late than never. Plus, I have a good excuse. We were busy...on vacation in Florida! More on that later!

So Happy Father's Day Week to Cory Huffman! Both Chloe and I love you and think you are a great dad!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Twinko, Wittle Tar

Putting this video up was hard because of two reasons.

1. I don't want people to judge my messy house.
2. Chloe is in her pajamas, and I'm pretty sure this was filmed in the afternoon.

But, then I realized that Chloe's singing is too darn cute for everyone not to see. Besides, this is our reality, messy house, messy babe.