Monday, October 31, 2011

Garden of the Gods

A few weeks ago Cory and I decided to take a day trip to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, about 45 minutes south of Parker. It was a great chance to be intentional about spending quality family time. But first, we had to get our priorities straight and make a stop at Rudy's, for some a-ma-zing barbeque! Anytime we are in the area we HAVE to stop. It delicious. Plus, we want to make sure Chloe gets to experience all things meat too! (btw, Cory will be so proud that I just typed that last sentence.) mouth is watering just looking at this brisket (also another sentence I typed that Cory will be proud).

After Rudy's, we headed to Garden of the Gods, just a mile or two down the road.  Garden of the Gods is a state park with giant red rock formations. Being a girl who hasn't been off the west coast of the U.S., I was in awe. The size and color is amazing. I've got to get out more!

Obviously, this is super-dang adorable of Chloe. You may or may not see this on a Christmas card, I'm still deciding.

1. Chloe and mama (I am working on jumping in on more pictures)
2. Red Rocks
3. Family picture (we need more of these)
4. Cory looking all Colorado GQesque
5. Chloe "mountian climbing"
6. Knocked out  on the trip home
My favorite part of the trip? It was seeing Chloe run around and be excited about everything. I really enjoy the times we get to leave the house and explore Colorado as a family. Can't wait until our next adventure!