Friday, October 26, 2012

Pizza Family Night

I love Thursday nights. Why? Because the next day is Friday and that means it's the weekend.

When I was working full-time before we had Chloe, I loved Thursdays too. Now that I'm a stay-at-home mom, Friday means we have the whole weekend to spend time together as a family.

Every so often, if we have no plans, we will have pizza and movie night (with the high possibility of ice crea, too). We make pizza's at home and rent a couple Red Box movies, one for Chloe and one for us.

Chloe loves helping in the kitchen. As an adult, it can be annoying to just let her do her make a pizza on her own at her own pace. But, as her parent, it's fun to watch her learn, discover and make choices all from the simple task of making dinner.

Once the pizzas are in the oven we bring out a bunch of blankets and pillows and make a big bed on the floor. It's fun to just lounge around all together, being intentional about spending time with Chloe.

This particular night, we rented the Muppet's Movie. It was really weird to watch something that was apart of my childhood and now apart of Chloe's.

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