After "rest time" and dinner at the hotel, we headed back to the Magic Kingdom.
Here's the girls, Taylor, Chloe and Maddie
All of us together, the only group shot we got.
After our pictures, we made our plans:
1. Hit as many rides as possible while others watched the parade
2. See fireworks
3. See the later parade as the park closes
4. Beat the crowd out of the park
5. Get the kids to sleep before 1:00 a.m.
I think Buzz Lightyear was Chloe's favorite ride.
Look at Maddie and Taylor's picture on the bottom, right. Those are some crazy faces. :)
Watching the fireworks over Cinderella's castle was magical. Sounds cheezy, I know.
Chloe sat on Cory's shoulders to get a better view. She was in awe, as were most of us. It reminded me of the commercials you see on tv of Disney World. Something I wish I would have captured on video or in photos. Next time...
Another great moment that I wish I would have caught on camera was during the parade. Chloe was in awe of all the princesses and we saw Snow White. For some reason Snow White wasn't on a float, walking the parade route, she came up to us and gave Chloe a little hug, It was so sweet. I know that Chloe wasn't the only little kid that it happened to, but for Chloe she felt like it was. One of the reasons I love Disney and their intentionality to make everyone feel special.
The next day, we spent at the hotel, mostly poolside. It was awesome to relax in the warm sun and when it got too hot, jump in the pool.
The view from our room.
The weekend we were at the hotel, it was their cupcake wars. One of the activities was for kids to decorate their own cupcake. As you can see, Don is a kid, so he decorated a cupcake too. :)
Part 2, done. Part 3 and 4 are coming soon.
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