Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I used to think the idea of going around the table and telling everyone what you're thankful for is super cheesy. I still do.

But, I do see the value in actually saying aloud what we are thankful for. I want to be a person that is more thankful for what I have. I don't want to be someone who is always wanting and putting value into even more material things. Stuff that just end up in the landfill, things that in the end are meaningless to our life.

I do want more when it comes to relationships with family and friends. Quality moments of just being together and sharing life.

So, I will say that I am super thankful for my family, Cory's family and especially our immediate family of Cory, Chloe and I.

I'm thankful not just for Cory, but for the husband and father he is. I'm thankful that he takes care of us with his job, but loves us with all his heart. I'm thankful for our relationship as a couple and who we want to be together.

And of course, I'm thankful for my little sugar bums, Chloe. It really is a joy to call her my daughter. I love her sense of humor, her craziness, her kisses and hugs, and the innocence of her just being a 3 year old little girl.

I want to cherish these moments of us as a family of three. Enjoying the big moments, but mostly the little ones that make up our life.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We will be hanging out with good friends, enjoying each other, eating food and certainly not least, watching football.

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