Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We're heading to Oregon in three weeks. I'm super excited to experience Oregon weather, go to the coast, see friends and family. Also, I'm excited for the slight chance that my sister Beth will have her baby early and I can meet my niece! We fly home just a little more than week before her due date. By the way, my sister Beth is pregnant if you didn't know that already.

These pictures are from June when Chloe and I were visiting Beth in Portland.

Beth and Cesar, parents to be.

Beth and Chloe at the fountain in Portland.

I love this photo.

...and this one. Chloe was a lot chubbier back in June. Boy, I miss the arms!

Looking at these photos makes me miss little parts of summer. But not the heat. I love the crisp fall weather. Unfortunately, the weather here in Colorado isn't very crisp. It's been in the 80's all week and today it's supposed to be 88 for the high. What? Is this for reals? Enjoy your fall while I try to not melt. I know, I'm being a baby.

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