Cory and Chloe for Western Night. Every time there is a Western Night, I think Cory mistakes it for Redneck Night. |
Chloe and her goggles. She is obsessed with wearing goggles. |
There was a splash park in the pool area at the camp. We went everyday, Chloe loved it. |
This was taken with my phone. This is the view of Lake Michigan from the shore at camp. So beautiful! |
Running around camp, loving the freedom. |
Spinning with mama. |
Chloe loved tether ball. She played with it almost every night. |
I love these dirty feet, so cute. |
Being at camp means eating candy at all times of the day and being dirty. |
Like I said, that was just a "few" pictures of Chloe at camp. Chloe has been to camp every summer of her life. I wonder where we will go next year. I can't wait for summer, except for the whole heat thing.
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