Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Geneva - Part 2

Two weeks ago I posted about YFCamp Geneva, but I didn't share all the pictures of Chloe! Hello! Here are just a few in comparison to the amount I took.

Cory and Chloe for Western Night. Every time there is a Western Night, I think Cory mistakes it for Redneck Night.

Chloe and her goggles. She is obsessed with wearing goggles.

There was a splash park in the pool area at the camp. We went everyday, Chloe loved it.

This was taken with my phone. This is the view of Lake Michigan from the shore at camp. So beautiful!

Running around camp, loving the freedom.

Spinning with mama.

Chloe loved tether ball. She played with it almost every night.

I love these dirty feet, so cute.

Being at camp means eating candy at all times of the day and being dirty.

Like I said, that was just a "few" pictures of Chloe at camp. Chloe has been to camp every summer of her life. I wonder where we will go next year. I can't wait for summer, except for the whole heat thing.

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