Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Earlier this summer we took a trip to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, in Colorado Springs, with some friends. This was Chloe's first zoo experience. Unfortunately, Cory was out of town at a camp so he missed out. The night before we went, I told Chloe we were going to the zoo and she was like, what in the world are you talking about crazy lady, what's a zoo? Once we arrived the next day, it took about 30 seconds for her to understand what the zoo was.

Chloe pretending to be a spider in her web, or me trying to get her to pretend.

Chloe with her best Colorado friends, Maddie and Taylor. I can't remember what kind of eggs they were, maybe turtle eggs?

Eww... BIG. NASTY. FISH. I hate fish, they are disgusting, but some are tasty.

So, that was part of our trip to the zoo. For some reason I didn't get any pictures of myself or any other adults or animals. Hmmm... I'll work on that.

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