Saturday, April 10, 2010

Flippy Floppies

The weather has been so crazy here in Eugene. On Thursday it rained, snowed, hailed and was sunny. I wasn't sure what to wear that day. Should I wear flip flops, snow boots, tennis shoes? I opted for the flip flops. Why? Because I'm an adult and can wear what I want. You may think I'm crazy, but I would wear flip flops all the time if my feet wouldn't freeze off. Every Oregonian wears flip flops in rainy weather. Ok, maybe not every one, but a lot of people do, so I'm not that crazy.

All this rainy weather makes me excited for the warm sun. I can't wait to get Chloe out of the house and go to the park, take walks and just enjoy the this lovely earth. So, here are few adorable pictures of Chloe and Cory from early March. We had unusual warm weather that day. You can see that Chloe is starting to improve on her walking skills. We're so proud of her.

By the way, Chloe's clothes are off because she had a huge explosion. Shall I explain further?

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