Monday, April 12, 2010

Chloe at 11 Months

I can't believe it. My baby is almost a year old. As I'm typing this I can picture my mom saying these same words about all her babies. Everyone says it goes so fast because it does. I remember when Chloe was just 2 months old. People would tell me to enjoy the time because it would go fast. I thought, it better because I want to sleep.

I miss those days, not the whole no sleep thing, but the newborn baby thing. I loved having my baby cuddle with me, sleep in my arms and the newborn smell. Ahhh, reminiscing to the good ole days.

I know that not everyone loves to look at pictures of Chloe as much as I do, but how could you not? She's just just so stinkin' adorable. I could eat her up. This is shot from our back yard, which will not be ours soon. We're downsizing to an apartment in a few weeks. I'm so sad that I won't have all this grass for Chloe, but it's a good move...and moving is a completely different post.

This in one of my favorites from this shoot. If you know me, then you know I love butts,
especially Chloe's with those cute thunder thighs.

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