Friday, September 7, 2012

July Instagrams

Wow, is this a trend to blog a little and take a long break. Here's a little catch-up from my instagram.

Our 4th of July celebration, projected fireworks, thanks to youtube. Fireworks were banned because of the wildfires.

Chloe a few days after her second set of stitches this year.

Testing out expensive eye wear at Nordstroms

Chloe's latest obsession is growing a mustache like her daddy.

Sunset on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. It was a beautiful location for camp.

My first Philly Cheesesteak. SO GOOD!!! (It deserves all those exclaimation marks!)

Another view of Northbay Camp in Maryland.

Chilling on my sister, Jori's front porch in Oregon.

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