Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mount Falcon with Auntie Rie!

Ok, I'm still catching up on blogging. What's new?

When my sister, Rieley came to visit us in March, we made a trip to Mount Falcon, as recommended to us from a friend, Ali. Thanks for the recommendation.

We loved it for these following reasons:
1. Beautiful views
2. An easy trail for Chloe to walk (a must for a toddler)
3. It was free (except for the gas to get there, but still worth it!)
4. Big enough so next time we go, we can take a different trail and experience something new

Chloe, me and Rieley at the start of the walk/hike

I love this photo of our shadows. I also love that you can make out Chloe's two little buns. :) Chloe has learned to stomp on our shadows. It's a little trick we use to keep her moving at a little faster pace.

At the end of our hike/walk we found some picnic tables to eat dinner. Of course my phone died before this so, I will have to get them from Cory and then post some.

I can't wait to go again...maybe this weekend? Huh, Cory?

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