Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Traveling at Christmas

It's 2012, I know. But I think it's important, if not just for us, to record our Christmas.

We decided to spend this Christmas in Oregon. It was our first experience of traveling via airplanes and dealing with the general hassle of busy airports during the holidays. It's a silly, but I did think our travel experience would be a bit like the movies. Thankfully, it wasn't like Home Alone 1 or Home Alone 2. We didn't leave the house in a rush forgetting Chloe and we didn't lose her at the airport in a mad rush to make our plane.

Cory and Chloe heading to the terminal on the train at DIA.

Somewhere between Denver, CO and Seattle, WA

Chloe being entertained by an Olivia dvd while flying.

This is where she's done with this whole traveling thing.

Jori and Chloe in the backseat, talking to the doll. Obviously they are both weirdos.

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